Benefits of Housekeeping in a Senior Living Community in Escanaba

Written By: Discovery Senior Living
Benefits of Housekeeping in a Senior Living Community in Escanaba

Severe mobility problems (e.g., difficulty walking and climbing stairs) affect about 12.2% of U.S. adults. While younger adults experience them, too, they're more common in the older population.

One task that becomes even more challenging for individuals with mobility issues is housekeeping. Their condition may make them want to delay necessary home cleaning and maintenance. However, doing so may only lead to increased health and safety risks.

The good news is that housekeeping is one of the many services a reputable senior living community in Escanaba offers. Here, vetted and trustworthy staff members perform house cleaning and maintenance chores.

But how exactly do seniors benefit from those services? What good will it do them if someone else cleans and maintains their homes?

We've shared the top answers in this guide, so please read on.

Minimize Odds of Accidents

Getting into a fall accident is one of the most common fears of older adults and their loved ones. It's a valid concern, as seniors tend to have a higher risk of getting into these incidents. Their risks are higher due to the following factors:

  • Balance, walking, or mobility issues
  • Conditions that affect muscle strength or cause muscle weakness
  • Vision or auditory problems
  • Medications that can impair balance or coordination or cause drowsiness

Indeed, falls are so common that they result in about three million older adults seeking emergency treatment. They're also the leading cause of injury in the older population. And in many cases, they occur when seniors perform household chores like cleaning.

A good retirement community in Escanaba aims to combat such risks by providing weekly senior home services. The community's staff thoroughly cleans each apartment and handles laundry tasks.

Healthier Living Environment

A clean home environment promotes health and well-being by helping boost indoor air quality (IAQ).

IAQ refers to how air quality inside a home can affect its occupants' health. Poor IAQ often means unhealthy indoor air, the exposure to which can result in health concerns. For example, it can cause eye, nose, and throat irritation, dizziness, and fatigue.

Many factors affect IAQ, including outdoor air. Entering the home after spending time outside also means tracking in dirt, dust, and other pollutants inside. Some indoor activities, such as cooking and burning candles, also affect IAQ.

So, it's no wonder home maintenance and cleaning frequency can make or break IAQ. A lack of house upkeep, such as dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming, can increase indoor air pollutants. Conversely, regular house cleaning can help lower indoor air pollutants.

That's also why you can expect a reliable senior living community in Escanaba to provide weekly housekeeping. It lets you or your older loved one enjoy a fresher, healthier living environment.

Reduce Consequences of Clutter

Clutter is anything that causes untidiness or disorganization in a space. From bags or shoes strewn across the floor to old reading materials stashed here and there, all these are forms of clutter. They make living environments messy and are some of the most common slip, trip, and fall hazards in homes.

Cluttered spaces can also affect senior well-being and mental health. They may elicit negative emotions, including confusion, irritability, stress, and tension. The more cluttered a space is, the more challenging it can be to find things in the mess.

Senior housekeeping services done once weekly can help prevent or minimize clutter. The housekeeping staff of a reliable assisted living community in Escanaba, MI, will help residents organize their things.

More Time for Fun or Learning

When senior living communities handle housekeeping, residents have more time and flexibility to do things they want or need to do.

For example, residents can socialize, join community activities, or stick to their healthy morning routines. The best part is that highly rated communities offering assisted living in Escanaba, MI, offer plenty of fun, engaging, and stimulating daily activities, such as:

  • Wellness programs, including exercise and walks
  • Intellectual activities, such as daily chronicles, trivia, and word games
  • Social time with group games like bingo or events like happy hour
  • Educational classes on arts, crafts, and music
  • Church services, communion, and rosary
  • Community gatherings and outings

The best senior living communities also offer scheduled transportation services. With these, residents can feel at ease knowing they have a safe way to travel to and from their doctor's appointments.

Peace of Mind for Family Members

For many families, the thought of a loved one aging in place and on their own can be a source of constant worry. They may feel anxious about how their older family member is doing. Questions like, "Are they safe?" "Have they already eaten?" or "Do they take their medications on time?" may continuously run through their minds.

While it's normal to worry about loved ones, especially aging parents, it can be a health detriment, too. It can cause high levels of stress that can evolve into anxiety.

The best senior living communities help ease those worries by delivering compassionate and individualized personal care services. In addition to housekeeping, they can also help seniors with bathing, dressing, and managing medications. Some communities even offer respite care in Escanaba.

Family members also have the assurance that trained staff are available round-the-clock. A highly reliable community also ensures a full-time registered nurse is on-site 24/7.

All those features and services can help family members worry less about their aging loved ones. That results in more peace of mind, knowing their older loved ones are in the care of competent professionals.

Time to Explore the Best Senior Living Community in Escanaba

The weekly housekeeping service that the best senior living community in Escanaba offers makes life safer and more convenient for residents. Family members also benefit, as they can worry less about their older loved ones getting into mishaps.

At LakeHouse Escanaba, we strive to ensure our community provides residents with a safe and healthy environment. That's why we have weekly housekeeping and laundry services and regularly perform community-wide maintenance. Our residents can also count on our friendly staff for quality personal care.

So, if you or your loved one is ready to enjoy the perks of assisted living, connect with us. We look forward to welcoming you to our pet-friendly community!

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